More Necron Progress
Racing towards completing all my Necron units before the Space Wolves codex, although I don't think it's going to happen. I've my Destroyer Lord completed, as well as some more Wraiths, Transcendent C'tan, and the thing I'm most excited about: my first converted Flayed Ones.
I made these out of Necron Warriors, Admech Ruststalker bits, and various other Necron bits I had laying around. I cut the pelvis joints to re-position them with running and stooped stances, and most importantly, I added layers of flayed flesh. I used them to cover up bad joins. The flesh is made from flattened strips of green stuff. I rolled them out, cut them into strips or small sheets, and then pulled them over the models with a sculpting tool.
The revelation here was using Vaseline to handle the green stuff, removing the sticky elements and making it much easier to smooth out fingerprints. It was messy, and I needed to wash the models after, but it made working with green stuff SO much easier.
Here are some pics of some of the other completed Necron units. I'm working on more Destroyers, a couple characters, and some more warriors, flayed ones, and the Tesseract Vault.