Necron Progress

Doing a big update to my Necrons after the codex release. Adding more warriors, more wraiths, flayed one conversions, destroyers, and a catacomb command barge. Building is done and priming has begun. For the first time I tried a recommendation I've seen all over the web. I used regular double-sided scotch tape and free paint sticks from Home Depot and sprayed the models on the sticks. Normally I have to take three or four passes to prime a model as I wait for one side to dry, rotate it, and spray the other side. These models all got sprayed in one simple pass, saving a ton of time and likely primer. The models stuck to the tape more firmly then I would have thought, and didn't leave any residue. This only works for models with bases. My destroyers and the catacomb command barge had to be sprayed the old fashioned way.


The great re-basing of 2018 is also underway. These are all my older Necron models that were on 25mm bases. I'm upgrading them to 32mm, and batch painting them. It's a real pain, but it does improve their presence on the game board.


More Necron Progress


Marine Tests