Moving Models
With our move to Portland fast approaching I'm faced with the problem of how to transport a large number of models and hobby supplies roughly 1000 miles, hopefully without incident.
For most of my models it isn't that big a deal. I just load them into the various bags and cases that I use for carrying them to and from the battlefront, also known as the house of whoever has been brave enough to open their doors to a bunch of nerds bearing painted plastic. But what about these guys?
They're too big and unique for foam cases, so my plan is to cover the bottom of a box in bubble wrap for a cushion, and then popcorn...lots of popcorn.
It's just crazy how much popcorn I went through to fill just these two boxes. Nearly five bags! This picture is from before I covered the models with the last bit of popcorn. I did stack multiple models in one box. I've done this before and it worked fine. I did put the giant squiggoth on the bottom. He's so heavy I was worried he'd crush whatever was beneath him even with popcorn.
Most of the hobby supplies are pretty easy. Brushes in a brush bag and throw the rest into a box. The only thing left is paint. As I mentioned in my last post I've converted most of my paints to dropper bottles for transport. After that, it's just a lot of ziploc bags before I pack them up to minimize any accidents if they do happen.
I do have more models then cases, so the rest I ordered some custom foam trays from and I'm using the box the trays shipped in for transport.