Nighthaunt Paint Tests

New armies come with new paint tests. For me, that always starts with research. I do most of my research on Pinterest and Instagram. Strike that, I do all my research there. I wanted a dominant blue color scheme. It seems right for ghosts, and amazingly I don’t have any blue armies, an error that needs to be rectified. Here are some of the shots I liked.

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These images were drawn from Pinterest. I was instantly drawn to them. I liked the fade to white and decided this would be how I’d paint most of the models, but I wasn’t set on the precise color choices. The blues on the models are nice, but the skeleton’s clock was a bit too green for what I wanted. The spirit’s blues were close, but slightly more muted than I wanted. I really liked the tone of blue from the illustration, and started looking for more examples.


More Pinterest images. The ghost woman blues were brighter, or more vibrant, and better fit what I wanted to go for. The GW models I referenced more for their darker blue, which I was also drawn to.


I was also drawn to the blues used in GW’s Thousand Sons line. They were bright, strong blues, but they also look nice with the more ethereal green (as seen with the sorcerer) that I would eventually use as a secondary color.

The next step was to start deciding on the specific colors.


This is a simple paint test I did, blending different combinations of colors to see how they transitioned, and which ones I leaned towards. Because the Nighthaunts army would be all about fades, this seemed a simple way to narrow down my color choices before working on test models, and it worked very well. Those test models will come in my next post.


Nighthaunt Test Models


Nighthaunts - Filling Gaps