Nighthaunt Test Models
I’d done research, picked out colors, and now it was time to paint some models.
This was my first test, focusing on the skin, cloth, and fire. I was relatively sure how I would be doing wood and metal elements, so I only basecoated them. This isn’t my best paint job, but the goal wasn’t perfection, but getting the paint on quick to see how I liked it. To my surprise the cloth was just what I wanted right out of the gate. The fire I was also good with. The skin I liked, but worried it didn’t contrast enough.
I painted a second model and gave the skin a more green tint. It looked fine, but I preferred the original. I decided I’d make the color a bit stronger with the original skin and go with that. I then finished a small run of models.
I’m pretty happy with how these turned out. The only thing I’m not completely sure about are the basing, mainly the grass choice, but I can play around with some subtle variations in future models.